Comp flow

Easy and quick to use, the Comp Flow Transformer is available in a wide range of colors to meet every color need; flexible and adaptable glazes and strong glazes to achieve absolutely realistic results in appearance and texture. Resistant to compression, they abrade in a natural way protecting the mandibular joint and maintaining functionality and absolute respect of tissues. Comp Flow combines quick and easy protocols with high aesthetic performance.

  • Controlled fluid consistency that allows you to make the most of every detail of the surface and to act comfortably on the profile of the gum boxes.
  • High viscosity that makes it moldable and easy to apply both to treat occlusal anatomy and for the realization of proximal ridges.


400 MPa
resistenza alla flessione:
95 MPa
modulo elastico:
6900 MPa
resistenza alla compressione:
360 MPa

Via Colloredo 80 – Frazione Modoletto 33010 Pagnacco (UD) – Italia

Tel (+39) 0432 650047 | Fax (+39) 0432 650635

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